European Style Relegation/Promotion Would Add Interest, Uniquness to MLS
For those of you that don't follow international soccer, aka, football/futbol, the top leagues in the world, most notably the European top leagues: English Premier League (EPL), Bundesliga (Germany), La Liga (Spain) and Serie A (Italy) for example all practice the system of relegation and promotion of their clubs. What this means is, if you are a minor league club and you happen to have a good season, usually over the course of a few solid seasons, you will get rewarded by being promoted to the big leagues, literally, the same way a minor league prospect does in baseball. Only in this instance its the entire team. If it sounds confusing it should to MLS and U.S. born soccer fans as they are one of a few countries—with Australia and Canada being others—that do not use this practice in any of their major sports, but most notably soccer. Reasons why relegation or promotion wouldn't work in U.S. sports The problem with this in the U.S. is the minor league systems in a given sport are so far less than the major sport that this would be counter-productive. It's far easier to keep the Pittsburgh Pirates in Major League Baseball where they can continue to ...18Jan/110