
British Soccer Star’s Battle with Best Buy over Black Friday Ripoff Going Viral

What ever happened to customer service?Terry Gibbs, one of the top players in the United Soccer League and an MLS hopeful, is just looking for a fair shake from Best Buy, and now his story is blowing up on Facebook and Twitter.The story is simple and should have a very easy solution. However, Best Buy's unwillingness to rectify the situation fairly has made things much more complicated.On Black Friday, Gibbs stood in a Best Buy line for 12 hours in the hopes of scoring a television at an incredible Black Friday price. His patience paid off as he was able to secure a $500 television for $179.  However, when he took the television out of the box, the screen was cracked in pieces. He then took the television back to Best Buy, where he was told he would be refunded his original purchase price of $179 and then could pay the difference himself to purchase the television at the full price.Gibbs is in America chasing his dream of playing professional soccer. A native of London, England, Gibbs was an All-American at NCAA Division II Bloomfield College and has garnered tryouts with multiple MLS teams.Gibbs has developed into one of the top players ...
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