Philadelphia Union’s Maurice Edu Gives Fans Glimpse of MLS Day with Google Glass
For MLS player Maurice Edu, the day begins and ends much in the same way as your day might: brushing your teeth. However, it's that captivating stuff in between that might differ from your daily experience.For the Win's Nina Mandell spotted this posted video, featuring Edu going about his day and recording it all thanks to the budding technology Google Glass.
As with any day, there is plenty of tedium. However, it's that daily routine that is part of the video's charm, offering what it truly means to see a professional athlete head off to work for the less glamorous part of his life.
This isn't the first time we have seen an athlete don Glass for our benefit, showing up in various videos thanks to former NFL kicker Chris Kluwe.
And it won't be the last.
CNN Money reports Glass was once again put on sale to the masses for a hefty price of $1,500. Now that hardly means the device is about to b...
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